How To Set Up A Service On Redhat V7
How To Set Up A Service On Redhat V7
The following example shows how to set-up a service on Redhat V7 to start a monitoring Daemon on reboot
1. Set-up the Service Unit
- Log on as root
- cd /usr/lib/systemd/system
- vi mymonitor.service
- Add the contents of the service file as detailed in the example below
Some sites may store the service files in /etc/systemd/system
2. Create the Script /u01/app/MyMonitor/
- Log on as oracle
- cd /u01/app/MyMonitor
- vi
- Add the contents of the script file as detailed in the example below
3. Test the stop and start of the service
- Log on as root
- systemctl start mymonitor
- systemctl status mymonitor
- systemctl stop mymonitor
4. Enable the service
- Log on as root
- systemctl enable mymonitor
Example of the mymonitor service file.
Description = MyMonitor Stop Start Service
After =
User = oracle
ExecStart = /u01/app/MyMonitor/ start
ExecStop = /u01/app/MyMonitor/ stop
WantedBy =
Example of the stop start script file.
start() {
nohup java mymonitor.jar &
stop() {
MYPID=$(ps -ef |grep mymonitor.jar |grep -v grep |awk '{print $2}')
kill -9 ${MYPID}
case $1 in
start|stop) "$1" ;;