How to Rename an Oracle User in AWS RDS

Background & Overview

This document provides a step by step guide to renaming a user on AWS RDS. It is important to note, that this method is not sanctioned by Oracle and should NEVER be attempted on a production environment. Furthermore, this method does not always work as it does depend on the type of objects the user/schema owns.

Known Issues

This process may fail with the following issues

  • ORA-42287: cannot rename user on whose type a table depends

Step-By-Step Guide

1. Set the following hidden parameter at the session level

  • sqlplus / as sysdba
  • SQL> alter session set "_enable_rename_user"=true;

2. Put the database into Restricted session mode by executing the RDS restricted session procedure

  • SQL> exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.restricted_session(p_enable => true)

3. Make sure all users are disconnected.

4. Rename the user

  • SQL> alter user MyUser rename to MyNewUser identified by 'MyPassword';

5. Take the database out of Restricted session mode by executing the RDS restricted session procedure

  • SQL> exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.restricted_session(p_enable => false)
  • quit
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