Background & Overview
The following documentation provides instructions for upgrading Oracle Grid Control 10g ( to Oracle Grid Control 11g ( conforming to Oracle OFA database standards and residing on a Solaris SPARC operating system version 10.
Assumptions & Pre-Requisites
This document expects and assumes the following:
- The instructions are carried out by a qualified DBA.
- Access to the internet is available.
- All necessary client software, e.g. Telnet and X-Server is available.
- All references to SID should be replaced with correct database name as derived using a valid database naming standard.
- There is only ONE database installed on the server.
Useful Information
- Read the Known Issues.
- Due to internal structural changes to the SQL Access Advisor repository, a database upgrade resets all existing SQL Access Advisor tasks to their initial state. This effectively deletes all recommendation information for tasks that have successfully executed prior to the upgrade.
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Create a new mountpoint called /u01/app/middleware for the WebLogic installtion with a minimum size of 15gb.
NB You may want to make this filesystem larger as this is where the agent software is downloaded to by default. If you have lots of different platforms to deploy agents to, then 15GB may not be large enough.
2. It is recommended that Grid Control 11g runs on an 11g Database. If you need to upgrade the database use the following guide, How to Upgrade a 10g Database to an 11g Database, paying particular attention to the notes below.
When prompted in the above guide to apply the oneoff patches, patch bundles or CPU patch bundles to the 11g binaries, then follow the steps below (3&4) to apply the recomended patches before continuing with the above guide. For this documentation, the following Database patches have been identified: 9002336 (,6880880 (Opatch) and PSU 9654983 (
3. Applying 9002336, 6880880 and 9654983
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/DATABASE_11G
- unzip
- unzip
- unzip
- export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
- export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/DATABASE_11G/OPatch:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
- which opatch
- Confirm that the opatch executable being picked up is in /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/DATABASE_11G/OPatch
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/DATABASE_11G/9654983
- opatch apply
- NB opatch may ask for an email address in order to configure OCM. If so, then press return and answer Y to remain uninformed.
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/DATABASE_11G/9002336
- opatch apply
- NB opatch may ask for an email address in order to configure OCM. If so, then press return and answer Y to remain uninformed.
4. Return back to the database guide How to Upgrade a 10g Database to an 11g Database and finish the install before continuing.
5. If you have upgraded the database to 11g, you will need to reconfigure it in Grid Control to point to the new ORACLE_HOME
- Log onto Grid Control using SYSMAN
- From the Home page, click on Targets
- Click on the host that houses the Grid Control database.
- From the Host homepage, click the Targets link.
- Click on the Agent link for the Grid Control host.
- On the Agent homepage, select the radio button for the Grid Control database and click Configure
- Change the Oracle home path to the upgraded home, click Next
- Click Submit
- Click ok
6. Download the binaries for Oracle Grid Control 11g ( into /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/GRID_11G
Oracle Grid Control 11g for Solaris Operating System (SPARC) (64-bit) : 1,565,410,163 bytes; cksum - 1442186370 : 1,739,616,256 bytes; cksum - 4065885531 : 1,514,023,516 bytes; cksum - 2259002913
7. Download the binaries for Oracle WebLogic into /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/WLS_GENERIC
Oracle WebLogic Server for Solaris Operating System (SPARC) (64-bit) : 945,517,822 bytes; cksum - 80417988
8. Unzip the Binaries
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/GRID_11G
- unzip
- unzip
- unzip
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/WLS_GENERIC
- unzip
9. Ensure JDK 1.6 is installed. See MyOracle note 1063587.1 for details on how this is done.
10. Ensure the installed location of JDK 1.6 appears at the front of the $PATH variable.
- export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/usr/java/bin:$PATH
11. Start an X-Server
12. Start the WebLogic installer
- export DISPLAY= ip address:0.0
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/WLS_GENERIC
- /usr/bin/java -d64 -jar wls1032_generic.jar
13. Follow the instructions as demonstrated in the Example WebLogic Install section below.
14. Patch the WebLogic Server with patch ID WDJ7 using smart update.
- cd /u01/app/middleware/utils/bsu
- Start an X-Server
- ./
- NB Note this may take some time to start. Be patient!!!
15. Follow the instructions as demonstrated in the Example WebLogic Patch section below.
16. Ensure the relevant DB parameters are set to to the correct values.
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> show parameter db_files
- This should return a value of 1000 or greater.
- SQL> show parameter job_queue_processes
- This should return a value of 10 or greater.
- SQL> show parameter log_buffer
- This should return a value of 14274560 or greater.
- SQL> show parameter session_cached_cursors
- This should return a value of 200 or greater.
- SQL> show parameter undo_retention
- This should return a value of 10800 or greater.
- SQL> show parameter memory_max_target
- This should return a value of 12GBor greater.
- SQL> show parameter memory_target
- This should return a value of 12gb or greater.
- SQL> show parameter query_rewrite_enabled
- This should return a value of true
- Stop and start the database if non dynamic parameter chages are made.
NB If not using 11g memory management, ensure the shared_pool_size is set to 1GB
17. Run emd.maintenance if your Grid Control environment has been shutdown for any length of time.
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus sysman
- SQL> execute emd_maintenance.analyze_emd_schema('SYSMAN');
18. Start-up the current Grid Control infrastructure
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- lsnrctl start
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> startup
- SQL> quit
- cd /u01/app/oracle/GRID/oms10g/opmn/bin
- ./opmnctl startall
- cd /u01/app/oracle/GRID/oms10g/bin
- ./emctl start iasconsole
- cd /u01/app/oracle/GRID/agent10g/bin
- ./emctl start agent
19. Confirm that all database objects are valid
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM dba_objects WHERE status = 'INVALID' ORDER BY owner, object_name;
- NB This should return 0 rows.
20. Stop the DBMS jobs.
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> select a.instance_name as sid, b.value as jobqueue from gv$instance a, gv$parameter b where a.inst_id = b.inst_id and'job_queue_processes';
- Make a note of the job_queue_processes number
- SQL> connect sysman
- SQL> execute emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs;
- SQL> connect sys as sysdba
- SQL> alter system set job_queue_processes=0 scope=both;
- SQL> select l.id2 job, l.sid, to_char(last_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') last_date, to_char(this_date,'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') this_date,l.inst_id instance from sys.job$ j,gv$lock l where l.type = 'JQ' and j.job(+) = l.id2 order by 5, 4;
- NB This should return 0 rows to indicate that all dbms jobs have completed. If this does not return 0 rows wait for the jobs to complete.
21. Stop the jobs scheduler and related jobs
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> execute dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('SCHEDULER_DISABLED','TRUE');
- SQL> select count(*) from dba_scheduler_running_jobs where SLAVE_PROCESS_ID IS NOT NULL;
- NB Ensure that there were no active schedule running by waiting until the above query returns 0 rows
- SQL> execute dbms_scheduler.disable('GATHER_STATS_JOB',TRUE);
- SQL> execute dbms_scheduler.stop_job('GATHER_STATS_JOB',TRUE);
- SQL> execute dbms_auto_task_admin.disable('auto optimizer stats collection',null,null);
22. Ensure SYSMAN and DBSNMP have EXECUTE permissions to DBMS_RANDOM
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> grant execute on dbms_random to sysman;
- SQL> grant execute on dbms_random to dbsnmp;
23. Check the status of the EM key.
- /u01/app/oracle/GRID/oms10g/bin/emctl status emkey
- If the output from the above command reports "The Em Key is configured properly, but is not secure. Secure the Em Key by running emctl config emkey -remove_from_repos", then no further action is required.
- If the output from the above command returns "The Em Key is configured properly", then run the following command.
- /u01/app/oracle/GRID/oms10g/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos
24. Stop the Grid Control infrastructure on all servers.
- export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/GRID/oms10g
- $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
- $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms
25. Ensure the repository database and listener are running.
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- lsnrctl start
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> startup
26. Start an X-Server
27. Start the 11g Grid Control installer
- export DISPLAY<nop>=ip address:0.0
- cd /u01/app/oracle/SOFTWARE/GRID_11G
- ./runInstaller
28. Follow the instructions as demonstrated in the Example Grid Control Upgrade section below.
29. Restart the previously stopped jobs.
- . oraenv
- ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? SID
- sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
- SQL> alter system set job_queue_processes=enter_original_value scope=both;
- SQL> execute dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('SCHEDULER_DISABLED','FALSE');
- SQL> execute emd_maintenance.submit_em_dbms_jobs;
- SQL> execute dbms_auto_task_admin.enable('auto optimizer stats collection',null,null);
- NB The above command is for 11g database only. For 10g run =execute dbms_scheduler.enable('GATHER_STATS_JOB');
- SQL> exit
30. Refresh the WebLogic domain.
- From the Grid Control home page, click Targets, followed by All Targets
- Select the link of type Oracle WebLogic Domain
- From the drop down menu WebLogic Domain select Refresh WebLogic Domain
- Click Continue
- Once completed click Close
- Click Add Targets
- Click Close
- Click Ok
31. Remove the old Oracle Application Server-related targets.
- From the Grid Control home page, click Targets, followed by All Targets
- Select the radio button for the target type called Oracle Application Server.
- This will most likely be called EnterpriseManager0.hostname in the Name field and will be in an unknown status.
- Click Remove
- Answer Yes to the question Removing the Application Server will also remove all of its subcomponents. Do you want to proceed?
- NB This will report An internal error has occurred. For more information see the log file for the following ID: 1284029305073 Ignore this error by clicking Ok
32. Remove the old 10g CSA Collector
- From the Grid Control home page, click Targets, followed by All Targets
- Select the radio button for the target type called CSA Collector.
- Ensure you select the CSA collector for 10g which will be in an unknown status with collection errors
- Click Remove
- Click Yes
33. Check that the OMS and Agent are running correctly
- cd /u01/app/middleware/oms11g/bin
- ./emctl status oms
- cd /u01/app/middleware/agent11g/bin
- ./emctl status agent
- ./emctl upload
34. Follow the Grid Control 11g Post Installation Guide
35. Check the /var/opt/oracle/oratab and confirm it contains valid entries. NB This will be site specific.
36. Check /etc/init.d/gcstartup and /etc/rc3.d for valid entries. NB This will be site specific.
37. To deploy agents, use the Grid Control 11g Agent Install guide.
38. Refer to the Grid Control 11g Known Issues and the Grid Control 11g Administration sections before use.
Example WebLogic Install
- Click Next.
- Set Middleware Home Directory to /u01/app/middleware
- Click Next.
- IMPORTANT - Read the following Known Issue for a potential bug in the installer at this point
- Un-tick the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support box.
- Click Next.
- Click Yes.
- Click Next.
- Ensure Typical is selected.
- Click Next.
- Ensure Sun JDK 1.6.0_18(/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_18) is ticked.
- Click Next.
- Ensure the WebLogic Server path is set to /u01/app/middleware/wlserver_10.3
- Click Next.
- Review the Installation Summary
- Click Next.
- Monitor the install process. This screen will move on automatically.
- Ensure Run Quickstart is not ticked.
- Click Done.
Example WebLogic Patch
- Click Work Offline.
- Select File -> Preferences -> Proxy
- Select the Proxy tab.
- Ensure Use HTTP Proxy is ticked.
- Set Host to
- Set Port to a valid port number.
- Set Username to a valid username.
- Set Password to a valid password.
- Click Save.
- Restart the utility by selecting File -> Exit and re-running ./
- Set Support ID: to a valid Metalink username.
- Set Password to a valid Metalink password.
- Click Login.
- Select the Get Patches tab.
- Ensure WDj7 is ticked.
- Click Download Selected.
- Ensure Yes, check for conflicts now is selected.
- Click Ok.
- Click Ok.
- This screen will move on automatically
- Select the Manage Patches tab.
- Click on the Green Arrow Apply button.
- Click Ok.
- Click Ok.
- Select File -> Exit
Example Grid Control Upgrade
- Un-tick I wish to recieve security updates via My Oracle Support
- Click Next
- Answer Yes to remain uninformed.
- Select Skip Software Updates
- Click Next
- NB At the time of writting this guide I could not get the proxy connection to work in order to download the updates.
- Select Upgrade to Enterprise Manager 11g
- Click Next
- Ensure the tick box for the installation you wish to upgrade is ticked.
- Click Next
- Ensure all Prerequisite Checks complete successfully.
- Click Next
- NB See Known Issues for a hostname check failure.
- Ensure the Connect Descriptor is correct.
- Enter the SYS password.
- Click Next
- Ensure Middleware home location is set to /u01/app/middleware
- Ensure OMS instance base location is set to /u01/app/middleware/gc_inst
- Click Next
- Set the WebLogic Password to a valid password
- Re-enter the WebLogic password into the Confirm Password box.
- Set the Node Manager Password to a valid password
- Re-enter the Node Manager password into the Confirm Password box.
- Set the JVM Diagnostic Data Tablespace to /u07/oradata/SID/data/d1/mgmt_ad4j.dbf
- Click Next
- Review the pre-selected Ports.
- Click Next
- Check the Review screen.
- Click Install
- This screen will move on automatically.
- Get a UNIX Administrator to run /u01/app/middleware/oms11g/
- Monitor the Configuration Assistants on the Installation Progress Details page.
- This screen will move on automatically if everything is successful.
- NB If any assistants fail, review the logfile indicated, fix the problem and click Retry
- Make a note of the output in the Finish screen.
- Click Close
Known Issues
Malformed /etc/hosts Entry.
A malformed /etc/hosts entry will cause the the installer to generate a warning when performing checks on the hostname.
On investigating the /etc/hosts file it will be seen that the entry for the local machine will be in the format of myhost
Change this so that the fully qualified hostname comes before the short hostname. myhost
Register for Security Updates Screen
On some platforms it is not possible to un-tick the box I want to receive security updates via My Oracle Support. Clicking on the tick button to un-tick the box, results in the tick disappearing for a second before automatically reappearing. In effect, the installer forces the selection of the I want to receive security updates via My Oracle Support box. If the install is being carried out behind a firewall this has the unfortunate side effect of the installer hanging for a long period of time as it tries to make a direct connection to My Oracle Support. Eventually, the installer will time out and display the Choose Install Type screen allowing you to progress the install.
None currently. Be patient and wait for the installer to timeout.
My Oracle Support Details Screen
The first screen of the Grid Control Install, namely the My Oracle Support Details Screen does not allow you to enter proxy details before specifying your Metalink credentials. Therefore, having specified your Metalink credentials and clicked on the Next button, if you are behind a firewall there will be a long pause in the install whilst the installer tries to make a direct connection to My Oracle Support. Eventually, the installer will timeout and display the Connection Failed:0 screen whereby you will be able to enter proxy server details.
None currently. Be patient and wait for the installer to timeout.
Check for Updates Screen
Once the Check for Updates screen has been displayed and after having setup valid proxy server details via the Proxy Server Settings button, it is not possible to click on the Test Connection button nor the Next button from the Check for Updates screen. Both buttons seem dead.
Currently, the only known work around for this problem is to select the Skip Software Updates radio and then click Next. This has the obvious disadvantage of not being able to check for updates.